Helping girls and young women live life fearlessly
Dedicated to helping girls and young women in the ACT fear less and live life with confidence, courage, resilience, and hope.
Creating a safe, inclusive community that encourages and equips girls and young women to be who and what they want to be.
The challenges girls and young women face
Friendship issues, relationships, expectations to do well at school, body changes, and social media are all factors that contribute to many girls and young women in the ACT feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and uncertain about their future.
In the ACT
of young women were concerned with their body image, compared with 15% of young men. 1
In the ACT
of young women were concerned about their mental health issues, compared with 25% of young men. 1
In the ACT
of young women were concerned with coping with stress, compared with 30% for males. 1
In the ACT
of girls said school or study problems was a concern compared to 22% of boys. 1
In the ACT just
of girls were extremely or very confident in their ability to achieve their study or work goals after school compared to 50% boys in the ACT or 46% of young people nationally. 1
In the ACT
of young women felt mental health was a barrier impacting on the achievement of study or work goals compared with 40.8% of males. 1
In the ACT
of young women aged 20-24 had negative feelings for their future. 3
In the ACT only
of young women feeling positive or very positive about the future. 1
In the ACT
of young women felt lonely all or most of the time compared with 16.3% of young men. 3
In the ACT only
of young women aged 20-24 felt their health and wellbeing was balanced. 3
In the ACT only
of young women aged 16-19 year felt their health and wellbeing was balanced. 3
In the ACT
of young women aged 20-24 felt stressed. 3
In the ACT
of young women aged 16-19 years felt stressed. 3
In Australia
of girls who repeatedly self-injured when aged 14-17 reported attempting suicide at age 16-17. 4
In Australia
of girls self-harmed at both ages 14-15 and 16-17, compared to 1% of boys. 4
In the ACT
of girls reported thinking about self-harm at 14-15 or 16-17, compared to 18% of boys. 2
In the ACT girls aged
experience a higher rate of psychological distress than any other Australian jurisdiction. 2
In the ACT girls aged
were twice as likely than young men to report high psychological distress. 2
In the ACT
1 in 3
girls aged 15-19 met the criteria for serious mental illness. 2
Helping girls and young women thrive, not just survive
Our mission is to help build confidence and resilience in our girls and young women in the Canberra region, allowing them to change their futures and fearlessly find their way.
Our girls and young women-only programs support girls and young women to discover who they are and see all they can be in a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment, which:
- Provides a sense of belonging.
- Allows them to find their voice and speak without fear of judgment.
- Increases self-belief, inner strength, courage, and hope.
- Equips them to fear less and face life’s challenges with confidence and resilience.
It is great when girls come together and share experiences and learn from each other in a safe environment.
All our programs are free to girls and young women, their families, and their communities
how we helped this person to this amazing thing
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Meet our team of fearless women
Fearless Women is a not-for-profit charity driven by a community drawn together with a common purpose; to offer programs, mentorship, counselling, and services that build confidence and resilience in girls and young women, enabling them to live their lives fearlessly.
Our team consists of our program staff, volunteers, and board of directors. We’re committed to helping girls and young women in the ACT grow, learn, and realise their dreams!