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Thank You Canberra 7’s

Thank you to the team at the Canberra 7’s Day. The ‘7‘s’, is a car event that celebrates everything to do with 7s (and 2s and 3s and 4s etc).
This year Fearless Women joined Menslink as the 7’s charity partner. This was an exciting opportunity to raise awareness of Fearless Women and connect with a crowd of passionate car enthusiasts. Your support will go long way in helping girls and young women in the ACT.
I thoroughly enjoyed looking at cars and car engine. While my comprehension is little more than the duco colour, our appreciation for being invited along is huge. Thank you


Designed in collaboration with CIT, this family event also aims at paving career pathways for children in machinery and electronics. Funds raised during the event will help Fearless Women to support girls and young women to live fearlessly.

Photo of the Canberra 7's team
The brightest of pink cars